Social Media Paid Advertising


Marketing a brand in modern times require social media. It isn’t just an option you can choose to opt out of; if you want to get your products and services to the masses, social media should be placed high in your priorities and marketing strategy. This means more than the occasional post or #hashtag, it requires investment, an investment that if made correctly can provide insane returns.

Social media is free. Imagine a world where people needed to pay a subscription for facebook and Instagram. Being free is what has caused these platforms to reach such a global audience. There are the few who are proud to be “off-the-grid” and not use social media, but for the vast majority of the world, social media is essential.

But if your goal is to advertise on these platforms correctly, you need to invest in the paid tools they provide. We’ve all seen those Facebook posts from people selling essential oils or clothes and safe to say that although free, it isn’t very effective. They annoy and they intrude in someone’s feed and your friends will politely mute your posts. You don’t know exactly who will see your post because you’re basically shooting in the dark, hoping someone will bite.

This is where your marketing dollars should come in. Social Media Paid Advertising will give you more than a little light, they will provide tools ranging from demographic utilities, sponsorships, they’ll boos your brand’s presence and get your message to the people you want them to go to; your potential customers.

Being seen is the rule of the game. If you are not seen on social media, you don’t exist. It doesn’t matter how amazing your product is or how great the services you provide, if people don’t see you, you don’t matter.

So let’s go in depth on why you need to be spending your marketing budget on this.



You have a demographic you want to reach and you know your brand will appeal to a certain segment of the population, so the logical thing to do would be to know how to reach them.

Paid social media advertising will give you the information you need to not only sell your brand effectively, but they can give you a grasp of the trends and interests of the population. The information you gain from this is essential. From religion, age, gender, and wages, you will get to know your target demographic intimately.

Use this information to hone your message specifically for your demographic and it will work wonders. Your goal is more than just getting money, you want your customers to say to themselves that “this brand gets me.”

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Brand awareness is a mainstay in marketing; in any form of media and marketing the game is to be seen. But in a sea of brands and products vying for the attention of the internet, you have a good chance of being overshadowed if you don’t aggressively fight for brand awareness.

Use every tool at your disposal for this. Know what platform your demographic tends to congregate around and invest time and your marketing budget to know what drives the people you’re trying to sell to. You have to be relevant and without the right tools, it’s a slippery slope toward obscurity. The last thing you want your brand to be is “out of touch”.

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People are always online, even when they don’t want to be. You need to be seen wherever they look, without looking like your trying to hard. There needs to be a consistency within your brand and paid social media advertising will save you a lot of time and headaches.

You need to be on people’s phones, they need to see you through videos, on their favorite sites online, and associated with the things they love. In short, this is a campaign similar to war. You need a battle plan, because true success never comes by accident.

Also, when you are everywhere and you’ve smartly invested those marketing dollars to be seen, you will reach more than your fans and demographic. People will see and be intrigued. If you are confident in your brand and are convinced of its success, all that’s left to do is be seen and the world will provide the results. The opposite is just hope word of mouth makes it to the right people and that’s incredibly time-consuming, soul-crushing, and stressful.



The main point of Paid Social Media Advertising is to capture attention on these popular platforms and direct it to your own website. If you don’t have your house in order or your brand needs serious help, this won’t help you. You need to be the best version of your brand forward and ready for the world. Paid Social Media Advertising will get people to your door, but it is up to you to make sure your brand isn’t a mess.

As mentioned before, this is all similar to a war plan. You need to be ready. Timing is everything. At Abendrot Media we’ve tailored marketing campaigns specifically for each client ranging from individual brands to companies on the bleeding edges of their fields. We will work obsessively with you on how to craft your brand’s image to make sure once your customers come in, they will be hooked. You need to focus on changing the world, let us get you prepared.

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